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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

world record attempt

so there's a cloth diapering world record attempt being made on April April 23rd, 2011 at 9AM PST and I think we are going to be a part of it... I did cloth diaper mr K till he was 14 months old and then had to stop due to my pregnancy and lack of stomach strength :) but once mrK is potty trained I plan on having miss L's bum in cloth full time...

here is the info from the face book page...

Cloth diapers have come a long way in past 10 years, and it’s time to stand up and be noticed. Celebrate Earth Day, by joining the North American and International cloth diaper community on April 23rd, 2011 at 9AM PST to set the world record for the most cloth diapers changed simultaneously.

The Rules (as set for by Guinness World Records):

At 9am SHARP: Change your baby when we say "GO!" (Or blow the whistle)
•Each baby must be changed out of a cloth or disposable diaper into a reusable cloth diaper at exactly 9am.
•The cloth diaper must be a brand that can be purchased by the general public in a retail store or online.
◦Unfortunately, homemade diapers that are not commercially available cannot be used. This is a very strict rule from Guinness World Records. eg - no dishrags and ziploc baggies! As long as it is sold as a diaper, it is acceptable.
•All participating babies and toddlers must be 39 inches or shorter.
•Each child must be paired with exactly one adult participant.

Both photo and video verification is required by Guinness. At 8:58, we will photograph the group "in position" before the change, as you hold up your cloth diaper (into which your little one will be changed), and then at 9:00 we will change babies, and at 9:02 we will photograph you again as a group (babies in cloth diapers). Video will be running this whole time (we will do our best to keep any nudity out - ie, we'll point the camera upwards during the change!)

We are accepting sponsors who would like to donate goodies/samples/coupons for our goodie bags!

Contact: Katie or Kerri at Cozy Bums Diapers

Face book link ....

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