So I'm sick of seeing my husbands electric shavers just hanging out on the counter of our small bathroom... Lil'L every chance she has pulls it down and twice its knocked her in the head... so Enough is enough...
I needed a plan ...
So I took a square plastic container ( I think it held juice at one time) cut off the top part.. then punched some holes in the top where the hook would go through, then on one side I cut a slit so the power cords could pass through... then I used a 3m hook (the kids that requires no nails and wont wreck the walls ) attached the hook near the outlet, then pushed the shaver cords through the slit, put the shavers into the container and hung it on the wall....
TAAAAAHHHH DAAAAAHHH a recycled project that took me like 5 mins to create... why didnt I think of this sooner ???